Allele Design Pre-Conference Workshop: Animal genome editing: strategies for allele design and production.

11 November 2023

This workshop will run twice:

Morning timings: 08.00 – 12.00

Afternoon: 13.00 – 17.00

This workshop will introduce participants to animal genome editing technologies and provide an overview of allele design, production and genotyping strategies using Cas9 in a small group setting.  In addition, the workshop will include a discussion of case studies of allele designs. Participants will be able to submit specific design challenges or requests to the instructors prior to the workshop to be discussed with the group during the practical exercises. Participants will be introduced to publicly available tools for gene annotation and allele design, common pitfalls in allele design, genotyping, and quality control, and have an opportunity to network with their colleagues. After this workshop, participants will have a set of tools with which to design Cas9-based editing experiments and be able to recommend appropriate approaches for allele production and genotyping.

Please note: Participants will be required to bring a laptop that can connect to the internet to access public websites (e.g., Ensembl, UCSC genome browser, CRISPOR, etc.) and loaded with software for manipulating DNA sequences (e.g., SnapGene ( []), Ape ( []), or similar). Ape is free software. If you do not have a SnapGene license/subscription, you may be able to download a 30-day free trial to use during the workshop if you meet SnapGene’s criteria for a free trial. SnapGene Viewer is not appropriate for this workshop as it does not enable DNA modifications. Academic users can use the Benchling tools for editing DNA for free after they sign up at 

Interested in attending?

Each workshop is limited to 25 participants and will be an additional cost of $200. If you are interested in attending, you can book your ticket during the main registration process. If you have already registered and would like to add this to your booking, please email